Often, a person’s special condition, such as diabetes, requires some control over the foods that make up their meals and the adoption of a more balanced diet. But how to change eating habits?

Much of the difficulty faced by those who need to control their diet lies in the effort required to adopt foods considered “bland”. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. It is possible to have a good diet by adopting new habits, which can be very tasty.

If you find it difficult to go on a diet, check out these tips to change your eating habits and build a healthier life.

Importance of food

“We are what we eat” is an old maxim that is increasingly applicable in the modern world. In particular, when it comes to ensuring a healthy life, food is one of the best tools we can use. Thus, discovering new options that are better suited to the health of each one and gradually introducing them into the eating routine will make a big difference. And the results soon show.

Quality of life

The basis for a quality life, in addition to physical activity, is essentially related to food. By providing the organism with everything it needs, our body will be able to respond with all the potential it has. In this way, we manage to guarantee more well-being when we adopt an attitude of willingness to live. In the same way, we were able to improve our ability to face day-to-day issues.

Prevention of metabolic diseases

Metabolic diseases are those that alter the normal functioning of the organism, such as type 2 diabetes and hypertension, for example. They may have a genetic origin or result from the lifestyle adopted by the person, which makes them present some difficulty or limitation in one or another aspect of the body’s metabolism. Some foods help this metabolism, in addition to preventing the emergence of some evils. They are known as functional foods and are of great importance for health, especially in the prevention of this type of disease.

Control of chronic conditions

There are certain conditions that are chronic, that is, the person who lives with it monitors it, and must learn to manage it under control, as happens with cases of hypertension and diabetes. A healthy diet represents an important care tool to improve this coexistence. In the case of diabetes, for example, foods rich in soluble fiber help to stabilize blood glucose levels. These fibers are capable of delaying the digestive process, causing the glucose in the food to slowly reach the blood.

Tips for painlessly changing habits

Adjusting your diet through some changes in habits can have a wonderful effect on your health. Initiatives in this sense can easily be adopted without losing the pleasure of consuming foods that we consider tasty. Get to know some food tips that are both tasty and healthy.

Choose brown rice

The simple adoption of brown rice in place of common polished rice already brings a series of health benefits. Thus, in addition to ensuring more and better nutrients (manganese, iron, zinc, among others), the whole grain of rice is rich in fiber. The same dishes prepared with common polished rice can use brown rice instead. And with other additional advantages: you will soon notice an improvement in the functioning of your intestines.

Eat fresh fruit instead of juice

There are two essential reasons for you to decide to eat the fresh fruit instead of the juice. The first of these is the greater amount of usable fiber in the fruit, which is very beneficial, as we have already seen, in delaying the absorption of glucose. The other reason, also very important, is that the juice contains much higher levels of sugar. To make juice, you use several fruits in the preparation and, with that, increase the amount of sugars that come from the fruit itself.

Swap white flour for wholemeal

As with rice, wholemeal flour is much richer in nutrients and, above all, in fiber, when compared to regular flour. The refining process that makes wheat flour white strips away much of its nutritional components. For this reason, gradually change until you are able to use whole wheat flour exclusively in your diet. Consider that whole wheat can be a very good ally for your health.

Choose unsweetened dried fruit

Dried and crystallized fruits, in general, have good concentrations of nutrients, but high levels of sugar. So, to consume these fruits, choose those without sugar. In addition, try to associate this consumption with foods rich in proteins and healthy fats, such as chestnuts and white cheeses.

Prepare dishes with legumes

Legumes such as beans, peas, lentils, and chickpeas are foods rich in essential nutrients for health, in addition to the famous fiber. A portion of a day of a dish prepared with these grains is a very healthy habit. As they can be combined with other foods in a variety of ways, they are easy to use. Also, a good tip is to take turns periodically, each time using a legume from among those mentioned, while at the same time controlling the amount of carbohydrates.

Give preference to lean meats

Red meats are very rich in protein, vitamin B12, and iron, among other important nutrients. Thus, they should be considered on everyone’s menu and constitute great food for those who do not have personal restrictions. However, it is recommended to give preference to lean meats, such as rump, duckling, and lizard, as they are the cuts with the lowest amounts of fat. In turn, the meats allow the preparation of an infinite number of dishes to suit each person’s taste, so that it will be very easy to satisfy the most demanding palates.

It is clear, therefore, that a diet with some restrictions does not have to stop being tasty. Although there is no specific diet for people with diabetes, everyone should follow a balanced eating plan. The diversity of existing foods and the way of combining them allows for the production of well-prepared and, at the same time, very healthy dishes, both for people with diabetes and for those without the condition, preventing the development of a metabolic syndrome.


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