When it comes to pregnancy, prenatal care seeks to offer the best conditions for fetal development and maintenance of the health of the parties involved. But, after all, how can pregnancy and diabetes be associated?
There is a condition known as gestational diabetes and, although it is not the most observed in the population as a whole, it can affect up to 14% of individuals.
Regardless of this, it is essential to pay attention to detecting and understanding this condition, in order to rule out the complications that may arise from it. So, read on to find out more about it!
Understand what gestational diabetes is
During pregnancy, the female body undergoes several physical, metabolic, and physiological changes that enable fetal development. As a result of this, there may also be transient conditions that raise concern, one of which is gestational diabetes.
First of all, it is necessary to make clear the difference between this type of diabetes and the others. For the diagnosis to be made, the woman cannot have previous diabetes, that is, she must have developed the condition after fertilization.
However, this is usually a transitory condition, which ends after delivery. Although it is widely observed, it must be emphasized that gestational diabetes is a risk factor for the later development of some other type of condition.
Let’s go back to the metabolic alterations that females experience to explain how diabetes develops. This is mostly caused by two things:
- production of hyperglycemic substances in the placenta;
- increase in insulin-degrading enzymes.
Analyzing the two situations, the balance obtained is the increase of circulating glucose in the bloodstream. Furthermore, its entry is not barred by the placental barrier, and may also reach high levels in the fetus.
In fact, some factors may increase the predisposition for developing diabetes during pregnancy. Advanced maternal age is one of them, but it is worth noting that diet also plays an important role.
This happens because obesity associated with excessive weight gain during pregnancy increases the supply of glucose, which becomes even more complicated with excess central fat, that is, related to the viscera.
Complications of this condition are observed both in the mother and in the fetus. See below for a list of some of them:
- way of delivery by cesarean section;
- newborn large for gestational age (LGA);
- neonatal hypoglycemia.
Given this, it is possible to understand the need for an early diagnosis, right? The main way to do this is to perform prenatal care with a qualified professional. The tests required in the period are able to identify whether or not there are alterations in the glycemic levels, which are more detected in the second or third trimester.
Know what precautions to take during the painting
Once the diagnosis is made in a timely manner, the procedures for regulating blood glucose are initiated. Care is basically the same as that used in other types of diabetes, prioritizing changing habits and leaving drug intervention only for cases in which the first approach does not show significant results.
Next, check out in more detail what care is needed!
1. Maintain a healthy diet
Starting with food, it is important to say that a food plan that is restrictive of nutrients should not be adopted. In pregnancy, the diet should provide supplies for both the mother and the fetus, also allowing adequate weight gain.
Therefore, the 3 main meals of the day must be maintained: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. In addition to them, 3 snacks should be made, 1 in each period of the day. The important thing is to achieve a balance, without going too long without eating, but also without eating excessively.
According to the Society of Diabetes, the ideal is to consume:
- vegetables on demand;
- 1 portion of beans or oilseeds;
- 2 protein servings (meat or eggs);
- 3 servings of root vegetables;
- 3 servings of fruit ;
- 3 servings of milk and derivatives;
- 5 servings of carbs.
As seen, carbohydrate is not prohibited. In fact, its inclusion in the diet is essential, but attention must be paid to the amount ingested. In that case, follow the professional guidance passed on individually.
Two practice physical exercises
Contrary to what many think, the practice of physical activity is actually indicated for pregnant women with diabetes. Obviously, we emphasize that the exercises must respect the due obstetric contraindications. As examples of practices, we have:
- hiking;
- water aerobics;
- pilates;
- swimming.
As a benefit, a significant decrease in blood glucose is observed. But be careful: the practice must be regular, reaching the goal of 4 to 5 times a week and lasting approximately 30 minutes each day.
3. Look for an expert
Finally, always follow up with the specialist. In addition to diagnosing the conditions and providing guidance on the conducts, he will also perform the analysis of the results obtained with them.
If there is a dietary change for 2 weeks and glycemic levels remain high, for example, this is the time to start pharmacological treatment. On that occasion, it is necessary to choose the drug well, in order not to cause adverse effects and side effects that could harm the fetus and/or the mother.
Understand the implication of gestational diabetes during and after childbirth
Understanding the necessary care during pregnancy, let’s now understand what implications gestational diabetes causes during childbirth. The first thing is to make it clear that, given adequate metabolic control, it is possible to wait for the spontaneous evolution of childbirth.
Thinking about the birth itself, diabetes itself does not determine whether it will be a cesarean section or a normal one, this decision being the physician’s responsibility. It is only important to keep blood glucose between 70 and 120 mg/dl.
In the postpartum period, it is necessary to identify whether the levels will remain high. If they are not maintained, insulin can be suspended. In addition, breastfeeding should be maintained, as this is an excellent practice for both the mother and the baby.
As much as they seem to be different situations, pregnancy, and diabetes can be associated, generating a condition that puts the lives of those involved at risk. However, well-performed prenatal care can lead well to practices for diagnosis and treatment. Be sure to look for a good professional to accompany the period. Even if diabetes is not identified, there are several other important conditions that can impact pregnancy success.