To gain muscle, run faster or improve the physical part in any type of sport, it is necessary to do much more than focus on physical activity and perform exercises with intensity.

Taking care of muscle recovery is also essential. After all, it is after training that the body recomposes the damage generated during the effort and adapts to withstand the demands of training.

Therefore, for sports practitioners, the rest time between one workout and another should be a priority for the body to recover and for the exercise to offer the proposed benefits.

Want to know how muscle recovery is done in sport? Follow our article and understand what are the recommended exercises. Good reading!

How does the muscle recovery process work in sport?

High performance sports and the need for good performances have led to the constant search for techniques that can improve the performance of athletes. In this case, muscle recovery after training is essential, as it can provide several advantages during training and improve your sports performance.

During intense exercise, the body undergoes muscle tissue breakdown and energy depletion, which can result in exhaustion and fatigue. This is where the muscle recovery process comes in.

This process usually includes the use of methods ranging from stretching, mobility exercises, myofascial release and massages, to laser treatments and electrical wave stimulation. These strategies promote pain relief and improve muscle preparation to reintroduce the person to sports practice.

Also, you need to look at the athlete as a whole. Know if he is hydrated, if he needs to replace mineral salts, vitamins and micronutrients, if he rested properly and if the medical follow-up is up to date. All this makes a lot of difference in the recovery process.

When is it necessary to go through it?

We can say that the more intense the exercise, the more intense the muscle recovery process must be, as this is important so that the athlete does not get exhausted during the next training sessions, which ends up harming day-to-day activities.

If the symptoms of tiredness and muscle soreness are not resolved, the person may not be able to perform as well in subsequent exercises, and there is also an increased risk of injury.

Therefore, post-workout recovery techniques are extremely important and cannot be neglected. And that goes not only for elite athletes, but also for anyone who wants to make better use of the sports activity they practice at the moment.

It is worth remembering that there is no exact recovery time, because each person responds differently to stimuli. For this reason, some athletes need more rest or specific care to avoid injury. In addition, physical capacity, body weight, weather conditions and many other issues can positively or negatively influence muscle wear and recovery.

How is muscle recovery done in sport?

As previously mentioned, muscle recovery must be adapted to each specific individual, taking into account the intensity, type of sport and/or training, duration and assessment by the responsible professional.

In general, monitoring by the medical, physiotherapy and physical trainers team is necessary, so that they can raise the expected objectives and define which methods will be most effective, based on the evaluation.

Recovery techniques may enter the athletes’ routine, together or separately, after a race or in a more intense moment of training. This will depend on the goals in the sport. Next, check out the main techniques used for muscle recovery in sports!


Massage is one of the most important tips for muscle recovery. In general, it is performed with greater pressure, in order to try to relax the musculature and other related structures, especially removing pressure points and contractions due to stress.

Its main objective is to increase blood flow in the area and reduce pain and inflammation caused by metabolic elements that have accumulated during training.

ice application

The application of ice or immersion in the cold bathtub causes the blood vessels to dilate, taking more blood to the tissues that need more supply because of the small injuries of the exercise, also accelerating the recovery process.

It is recommended to do cryotherapy right after exercise, with the water temperature between 4°C and 10°C, leaving the body immersed for about four minutes.


Muscle dehydration can significantly alter the body’s ability to function and the athlete’s recovery. In addition, water assists in the “cleaning” of metabolic waste and in the reduction of the post-exercise inflammatory phase. It is indispensable for athletes who have a short time to recover after training or between matches, for example.


Nutritional replacement is essential to ensure the body’s muscle recovery. After all, a body without proper nutrition before and after exercise impairs performance and leaves the athlete more prone to injuries.

It is worth remembering that, for exhausting and long-lasting and intense exercises, the consumption of carbohydrates before and during is a great ally. This nutrient assists in the production of muscle glycogen, responsible for giving energy to the muscles and preventing wear and tear due to activity.

Rest time

Depending on the intensity and type of exercise, a certain amount of rest is important for the body’s regeneration and metabolic recovery.

By resting, we allow muscle fibers to regenerate, as sports practice can increase tissue stress. Therefore, depending on the type of training, be sure to take at least one rest day during the week.

active recovery

Active recovery is responsible for increasing blood circulation and thus decreasing the feeling of stiffness after training. Which facilitates the removal of metabolic waste from the muscles and circulatory system.

The purpose is not to carry out a new workout, but a low-intensity physical activity , normally below 40% of the maximum lung capacity and with little load and muscular demand. Pilates, for example, is a great option in this case, because it can strengthen and improve sports performance.


Physiotherapy is also a great ally for cases of muscle recovery. In general, it encompasses mobilization of the body’s soft tissues, such as muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

The techniques used by professionals help stabilize regions that have been weakened by intense activity, as well as alleviate pain and other discomforts in the body. Some examples of these methods are: myofascial release, electrotherapy, stretching and massage therapy. To choose the best procedure, look for an area professional and consider the intensity of the damage.

Finally, we emphasize that it is extremely important to seek treatment for muscle recovery in sports as soon as possible. Because this will bring more effectiveness to the results and, thus, your body will be ready faster for a new workout. Remember to prioritize your quality of life and keep your training balanced!


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